She writes:
"Since SAC is not an arm of GUSA in any way, I do not feel the need to justify to the GUSA Senate the fact that the SAC constitution was updated last night. SAC is an advisory board to Dr. Olson and not GUSA. In addition, we are here to serve the SAC organizations and not the GUSA Senators. You need to understand this distinction if you want to accomplish anything."
What I need to understand? I think I understand perfectly well that GUSA is democratically elected to represent students and advocate for their interests. These students pay student activity feeds each year. And these fees get dispersed by this board. And this board is supposed to be chaired by a GUSA appointed and confirmed student. And part of the funding for SAC comes directly from GUSA. There is direct oversight built into both Constitutions (of course, not the SAC one anymore). In letter and spirit, SAC is accountable to GUSA.
Further, I'm not asking Sophia to justify her tyrannical rule over SAC to me, but to the students (who, if you have not noticed, are just about as sick of the way SAC operates as they were over the Noro Virus). She acknowledges that SAC exists to serve SAC organizations - but can she then explain why there is a near mutiny afoot?
She then goes on to call my actions rude and say that I single handedly may have jeopardized the ongoing negotiations between GUSA and SAC (which if they were at all effective would have prevented last night from happening). She writes," The commission is not as excited to approve changes to the Chair selection process based on your actions last night."
Am I supposed to apologize for refusing to be complicit with SAC as it violated its own constitution and turned its back on clubs and students yet again? I don't think so. Perhaps if someone remained in their seat two or three years ago, we would not be dealing with a runaway funding board with a self-righteous leader.
I hold out hope Sophia will appear before the GUSA Senate tomorrow evening and answer the many questions that are on students' minds.
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