The blog recounts that after my "brief sit-in", the SAC Chair, Sophia Behnia, called everyone back into the room:
"...there were 'angry voices and everyone talking over everyone.' One GUSA Senator said, 'Let’s not rush this,' to which Behnia replied, 'Your colleague forced us to do this.'
'You can all stay in here for this vote, I don’t give a damn!' she yelled."
With some accurate reporting, thanks to the Voice, students can get a real glimpse at the ill-tempered Chair as she not only refuses to acknowledge that under her leadership the Commission has blatantly ignored its own Constitution and has violated students' trust, but as she also displays such contempt for the people she serves who raise valid objections at SAC's public meeting.
Sophia took a motion, a second, and was calling the vote on the Constitution when I interrupted to ask if there would be public comment allowed. That went on for a few minutes before an equally hostile and arrogant Commissioner proclaimed that no such comment needs to be heard anymore, and the quickly vote followed.
It has been three years since the SAC Constitution has been updated. Sophia didn't get the memo that she does not operate an authoritarian regime, but rather a democratic body which derives its authority from, and ought to act in the interest of, the students. Last night's charade made that painfully obvious.
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