Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Georgetown’s newest aspiring kleptocrat"

From the Voice's blog

The Student Activities Commission has shaken off GUSA’s checks on its power, so last week GUSA was trying to reassert one of those checks–its right to appoint SAC’s chairperson. Instead of the ad hoc system where the outgoing chair chooses their successor, the chair would be selected by some commissioners, GUSA members, and members of student groups.Everyone loved this idea, including the Voice’s Ed Board and SAC chair Sophia Behnia herself. But Monday night, in a mindblowing power grab, Behnia said JK to all that. Here’s the way Behnia says it’s actually going to be:

  • The new SAC chairperson will be appointed by the outgoing one, not GUSA.
  • Votes are now secret! Non-commissioners who attend SAC meetings will have to leave before votes.
  • SAC no longer will tell GUSA what happens at its meetings.

Strangely, there’s nothing GUSA or regular students can do about the veil of secrecy that’s about to descend on how the student activities fee is spent. That means it’s up to the administration to stop the position of SAC chair from becoming a hereditary, incredibly powerful title, but they don’t seem interested.

GUSA Senator Tyler Stone told the Hoya that GUSA would try to do something after the changes are approved, but until then, you’ll just have to trust Sophia.

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